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I was having some cherries, and began to wonder how to describe them. The word that came to mind was “turgid,” but I was not completely sure of its meaning. I went immediately to my digital Merriam-Webster’s app, and looked the word up. The first meaning had nothing to do with what I was thinking about, as it described the word as “bombastic” and “pompous.”

The second meaning is nearer the mark, but seems to have a negative connotation to it: swollen. I was wondering what word I should now use. But I can see it might be used to describe the cherries as being “plump.” Well, there you go! Plump is a better word, but I know that turgid has been used in the positive sense. But, when in doubt how to use a word, get a better one. Anyway, here is the meaning of turgid.



tur· gid | \ ˈtər-jəd \

Collegiate Definition

• 1: excessively embellished in style or language : BOMBASTIC, POMPOUS turgid prose

• 2: being in a state of distension : SWOLLEN, TUMID turgid limbs
especially : exhibiting turgor

Other Words

• tur gid i ty \ ˌtər-ˈji-də-tē \ noun

• tur gid ly \ ˈtər-jəd-lē \ adverb

• tur gid ness noun

Synonyms & Antonyms


bloated, blown, distended, overinflated, puffed, swollen, tumescent, tumid, varicose (also varicosed)


• turgid leeches having had their fill of blood

First Known Use

1620, in the meaning defined at sense 2

History and Etymology

Latin turgidus, from turgēre to be swollen